The Music Mint

A day in the life of The Music Mint, our studio. The studio has its share of friends, well-wishers, people who love recording here and of course plenty who've never heard of it. This is to share a mint a day!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Happy Ugadi!

How do you feel when a tune you've composed 35 years ago gets recorded with one of the best young voices? You just need to look at Dr Krishnamurthi's face to understand the deep joy and exhiliration he experienced while we recorded Supriya Acharya's voice on his melodious composition. This elderly but fit doctor travelled from Palamneru (3 hours away) and came directly to the studio. Nagabhushan, who was helping us with his small team of flautist and sitar player and rhythm section, finished the interludes for about 5 songs. We need to get him to finish his part before taking on guitars and string section recording and then of course editing the whole and seeing how we are going to shape the arrangement on the whole. It was hard work but rewarding just to see Dr Krishnamurthi's enthusiasm.

Our musical promo for Ugadi on Radio Mirchi sounded good. It was a mix of pop, traditional tune, funk guitars and hip hop chorus! Mobius Strip has been doing well at Calypso, the music store at Jayanagar 3rd block. Vikas, the man who runs Calypso tells me, that everytime he plays it, he sells!

Our board meeting went off well. Our equipment upgrade has been okayed. So hope to post as soon as we get the upgrade in the next few days.